Batavia Office
39 Ellicott Street
Batavia, NY 14020
Lancaster Office
56 Church Street
Lancaster, NY 14086
Quick Answers
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Hearing aid choices - what's best for me? 
Hearing aids come in different styles, from completely in the canal to behind the ear.
Do I really have a hearing loss? 
Can I try it before I buy it? 
Do I need 1 hearing aid or 2? 
What about warranties? 
Why are hearing aids so expensive? 
What is an audiologist? 
Read what's being said about Village Audiology.
What to expect when considering hearing aids. 
An overview of what will happen when you meet us.
What is an audiologist? 
Education is what sets audiologists apart from hearing aid dispensers.
Quick Answers
Hearing aid choices - what's best for me?
Do I really have a hearing loss?
Can I try it before I buy it?
Do I need 1 hearing aid or 2?
What about warranties?
Why are hearing aids so expensive?
What is an audiologist?
Important Information
General Information about Hearing Loss
Hearing Aid Information
What you need to Know
Batavia Office: 585.344.4363 Lancaster Office: 716.681.6722